Important Announcement
     Cyto India
     Patho India
     Molecular Pathology Association of India
     The Cytometry Society of India (TCS)

Dr Usha Kini
Prof, Dept of Pathology,
St. John's Medical College,Bangalore

Vice President
Dr Reeni Mallik
Mobile: 9827054497

Honorary Secretary
Dr Ranjan Agrawal
Prof and Head, Pathology
Rajshree Medical Research Institute
U.P., India.
Mobile : 9412291009; 7060387009

Joint Secretary
Dr Varsha Dhume
Associate Professor
Department of Pathology
TN Medical College B.Y.L.Nair Hospital
Mumbai 400 008
Mobile: 9869087916
E-mail :

Professor Harendra kumar
Associate Professor
Department of Pathology
Sarojini Naidu Medical College
Agra (U.P.)
Mobile: 9758214149, 8192833338

Editor in chief
Dr. Bharat Rekhi
Professor Pathology
(Surgical Pathology and Cytopathology)
Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai

Dr Ranjan Agarwal.
Prof and Head, Pathology
Rajshree Medical Research Institute
U.P., India.
Mobile : 9412291009; 7060387009

Jt.Secretary (Head Quarters)
Dr. Pranati Mohanty
IAPM House, Chahata, Bidanasi,
Markat Nagar,Cuttack-753014
Smt Kunti Devi Mehrotra Award :

Is one of the prestigious awards given annually for published research work. The award is open to all members fulfilling the following criteria:

(a) Age of the applicant should be below 40 years of age as on 31st July 2025 (age proof to be provided).
(b) The research work submitted should have been carried out in India.
(c) The above research work should have been published by the contesting member as the first author in the preceding two years.

The principal author should submit:

  1. Covering letter indicating his/her IAPM Membership number.
  2. Certificate from all authors certifying that this research work has been carried out in India and this work has not received any other award.
  3. Certificate from the co-authors (if any), supporting the candidature and eligibility of the principal author.
  4. In case the applicant is a postgraduate student or senior resident, there should be a letter from the Head of the Department/Dean stating that the applicant is a bonafide student / employee of the Institute and eligible for the award.
  5. A copy of the complete published article to be attached
  6. A brief bio data of the candidate to be enclosed along with the covering letter
  7. Valid Age proof must be attached.

All documents to be sent as separate attachments to the Honorary Secretary, IAPM in a PDF format via email:

The submitted paper will be initially scrutinized by a panel of referees selected by the President/Secretary, IAPM

All Award papers as detailed above should be directly emailed to the Honorary Secretary of IAPM. Last date for applying for Award paper presentations is 31st August' for that year

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