Is given to the best paper presented by a life Member of IAPM during the plenary session of APCON. The award for this prize is open to all members fulfilling the following criteria:
(a) There is no age restriction
(b) The research work should have been carried out in India.
The principal author should submit:
Covering letter indicating his/her IAPM Membership number.
Certificate from all authors certifying that this research work has been carried out in India and this work has not received any other award.
Certificate from the co-authors (if any), supporting the candidature and eligibility of the principal author.
In case the applicant is a postgraduate student or senior resident, there should be a letter from the Head of the Department/Dean stating that the applicant is a bonafide student / employee of the Institute and eligible for the award.
His/Her brief biodata
Valid Age proof must be attached.
The paper must be submitted as a full-length text of their search work to be presented in the for of a blinded manuscript for publication with photographs embedded at the end of the write-up (refer to instructions authors of Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology). Kindly submit separate pdf files of covering letter, including certificate from all co- authors, HOD letter, age proof etc. title page, manuscript. The manuscript should be blinded with no mention of author attachment name, place of work or Institution and must be sent as soft copy only to the Honorary Secretary, IAPM via
The submitted paper will be initially scrutinized by a panel of referees selected by the President/Secretary, IAPM for its presentation at the plenary session. A maximum of five papers will be finally selected for presentation. The total time allotted is 10 minutes with 7 minutes for the presentation followed by 3 minutes of Question/Answer session. If the paper is not selected, it will be submitted for the Plenary oral paper session by the Hony. Secretary IAPM with due notification to the author.
All Award papers as detailed above should be directly emailed to the Honorary Secretary of IAPM. Last date for applying for Award paper presentations is 31st August' for that year.